THE ORTHODOX CHURCH IN POLAND until the end of the 14th Century

Kategoria: Historia, Socjologia, Prawo

Autorzy: Antoni Mironowicz

Rok wydania: 2019

Numer ISBN: 978-83-7431-577-7

Liczba stron: 203

Waga: 400 g

Wyświetlenia: 1109

35,00 zł
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Th e history of eastern Christianity in Poland under the Piast dynasty has not been discussed enough in subject literature. It has never been the subject of a monograph. Th e existing general works were written in the mid-war period, while in modern historiography this subject has only
been covered fragmentarily. Signifi cant gaps in research into the history 8 THE ORTHODOX CHURCH IN POLAND UNTIL THE END OF THE 14TH CENTURY of eastern Christianity have come from treating this tradition as foreign to the Polish state. Th e stereotype of a Polish Catholic and Russian Orthodox was formed under the infl uence of national and political conditions and
translated to the way eastern Christianity was viewed. Such feeble interest in the issues of eastern Christianity in Polish scholarship was infl uenced by political factors, the divide separating the Catholic and Orthodox world for the last two centuries, and the clear cultural and religious diff erences. Th is state of aff airs did not mean a complete rejection of the many serious studies conducted by Russian, Ukrainian, and Polish historians.

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